Phase to Phase: Automated procedure to identify writing phase using keystroke logging. SIG Writing Conference (EARLI - 2024 Paris | France - Presenter: Rianne Conijn; co-presenters: Alessandra Rossetti and Nina Vandermeulen
Human-Centered Evaluation of Approaches to Writing Process Feedback. SIG Writing Conference (EARLI - 2024 Paris | France -Presenter; Justin Young; copresenters; Mariëlle Leijten ands Charlie Potter
Measuring copy-typing skills of students with and without dyslexia. SIG Writing Conference (EARLI - 2024 Paris | France - copresenters: Catherine Meulemans and Rianne Van Lieburg
Keystroke logging software interoperability and collaboration (Roundtable). SIG Writing Conference (EARLI - 2024 Paris | France - copresenters: Eva Lindgren, Mariëlle Leijten, Victoria Johansson, Johan Frid, Hakim Usoof and Gilles Caporossi
Visualizing the Future of Business Communication: User Experience Evaluation of Approaches to Writing Process Feedback (Association of Bussiness Communication | ABC International Conference, Denver (USA) - presenter: Justin Young (Metropolitan State University of Denver & University of Antwerp); co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten) Human-Centered Evaluation of Writing Process Data Visualization Tools (ATTW-conference 2023 - Association of Teachers of Technical Writing, Virtual conference - presenter: Justin Young, Eastern Washington University, USA - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Measuring copy-typing skills of students with and without dyslexia (Writing Words Workshop 2023 - Potsdam) - co-presenter: Catherine Meulemans, University of Antwerp
Benefits (and pitfalls) of using data-driven approaches for annotating keystroke data (SIG 27 Conference 2022: Online Measures at the Crossroad of Ethical and Methodological Challenges, Southampton, UK 2022 - presenter: Rianne Conijn (TUEindhoven; co-presenters: Emily Dux Speltz, Alessandra Rossetti, Nina Vandermeulen and Evgeny Chukharev-Hudilainen)
Modelling typing disfluencies as finite mixture processes (EARLI SIG Writing conference, Umeå, Sweden 2022 - presenter: Jens Roesser (Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom; co-presenter: Sven De Maeyer)
Jumping through hoops: Non-linearity of long-term writing processes (EARLI SIG Writing conference, Umeå, Sweden 2022 - presenter: Floor Buschenhenke (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; co-presenters:Dirk Van Hulle, Karina Van Dalen-Oskam, Mariëlle Leijten & Rianne Conijn)
New perspectives on keystroke logging (EARLI SIG Writing conference, Umeå, Sweden 2022 - co-presenters: Floor Buschenhenke, Alessandra Rossetti, Mariëlle Leijten)
Writing processes in Alzheimer's disease: Exploring the potential of a process-based screening tool (EARLI SIG Writing conference, Umeå, Sweden 2022 - presenter: Catherine Meulemans; co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Workshop: Kestroke logging in writing research: Observing and analyzing writing processes (EARLI SIG Writing research school, Umeå, Sweden 2022 - co-presenters: Mariëlle Leijten)
Symposium: Analyzing writing processes of people with acquired and developmental difficulties (EARLI SIG Writing conference, Umeå, Sweden 2022 - co-organiser: Åsa Wengelin, Gothenburg University Sweden)
Observing writing processes and typing transcription skills using keystroke logging (International Conference on the Science of Written Expression (virtual conference))
Keystroke logging and genetic citicism: Observing long-term writing processes (Track Changes symposium (invited presentation), Amsterdam, April 2022 - copresenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Communicating Sustainability: Development and Evaluation of an Online Course on Accessible Writing (Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, EARLI 2021 - ONLINE - virtual: presenter Alessandra Rossetti (University of Antwerp)
Tell me how you type, and I will tell you how you write (guest lecture at Tilburg University, The Netherlands)
Social responsibility and accessible communication: Development and evaluation of an online course (International Easy Language Day (IELD) 2021 Conference - virtual; presenter Alessandra Rossetti (University of Antwerp)
Automated extraction of revisions during writing (SIG 27 - Online Measures of Learning Processes - Virtual; presenter: Rianne Conijn (Tilburg University, The Netherlands)
Analysing interkey intervals: Beyond means, medians and pause frequencies (part of symposium on "Bridging between keystrokes and mental processes" at SIG 27 Conference 2020 - Virtual; presenter: Rianne Conijn (Tilburg University, The Netherlands)
Using keystroke logging in your research ... and in your classroom (keynote/webinar at the 2nd Conference on Second Language Teaching and Research 2020, Shandong University (China) | co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten ) | video
A Process-oriented Dataset of Revisions during Writing (Language Resources and Evaluation Conference - LREC 2020, Marseille (France) - presenter: Rianne Conijn (Tilburg University); co-presenters: Emily Dux Speltz, Menno van Zaanen, and Evgeny Chukharev-Hudilainen
Don't wait until it is too late: The effect of timing of automated feedback on revision in ESL writing (EC-TEL 2019 Fourteenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Delft - The Netherlands | September 2019 | presenter: Rianne Conijn, Tilburg University; co-presenter: Menno van Zaanen)
Rédiger à partir de sources en langue maternelle et en langue étrangère: analyse des processus d'écriture (60E Congrès de la Societé Francaise de Psychologie: APPRENTISSAGES, VULNéRABILITéS, PRéVENTIONS, Poitiers - France | September 2019 | presenter: Tobback Els; co-presenters: Leijten Mariëlle, Vangehuchten Lieve, Schrijver Iris, De Clercq Mieke,Verschooten Tine, Bernolet Sarah)
The design and effect of two types of process-oriented feedback on synthesis writing (8th International conference on Writing Analytics - Academic Writing in Digital Contexts: Analytics, Tools, Mediality , Winterthür - Switzerland | September 2019 | presenter: Marije Lesterhuis; co-presenters: Nina Vandermeulen, Elke Van Steendam, Gert Rijlaarsdam & Mariëlle Leijten)
How to typo? Building a process-based model of typographic error revisions (8th International conference on Writing Analytics - Academic Writing in Digital Contexts: Analytics, Tools, Mediality , Winterthür - Switzerland | September 2019 | presenter: Rianne Conijn; co-presenters: Menno van Zaanen & Mariëlle Leijten)
Feedback on the writing process. An intervention study with keystroke logging (Presentation in Symposium on synthesis writing interventions, ARLE, Lisbon - presenter: Nina Vandermeulen, co-presneters: Elke Van Steendam, Gert Rijlaarsdam, G. & Mariëlle Leijten)
Writing Process Feedack using Keystroke Logging: Generating Inputlog reports (ELN - European Literacy Network Conference, Porto - Portugal | November 2018 | presenter: Nina Vandermeulen; co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Analysing interkey intervals: Beyond means, medians and pause frequencies (Earli Sig Writing conference, Antwerp | August 2018 | presenter: Jens Roeser, Nottingham Trent University ; co-presenters: Mark Torrance & Mariëlle Leijten)
The use of external sources in a reading-to-write task in L1 and L2 (Earli Sig Writing conference, Antwerp | August 2018 | presenter: Lieve Vangehuchten; co-presenters: Iris Scrijver, Sarah Bernolet & Mariëlle Leijten)
A Challenge for Researchers: Is there really "Process" in Writing Process Research? (Earli Sig Writing conference, Antwerp | August 2018 | presenter: Martin Aßmann, Leibniz University Hanover, Germany; co-presenters: Joachim Grabowski & Mariëlle Leijten)
Constructing an easy to use (and analyse) multilanguage copy task (Earli Sig Writing conference, Antwerp | August 2018 | co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
How to bring writing processes to the classroom: The Inputlog report function (WAAD conference, 6th International Conference on Writing Analytics: Actionable Data for Teaching and Learning Writing - Malmö, Sweden| May 2018 | copresenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Professional reading-to-write in l1, l2 and fl: A process analysis (PLIN Linguistic Day, conference hosted by the Linguistics Research Unit of the Université catholique de Louvain | May 2018 | presenter: Lieve Vangehuchten, co-presenters: Mariëlle Leijten, Iris Schrijver & Sarah Bernolet)
Introducing 'sustainable communication' in the curriculum of the master 'Multilingual Professional Communication'(ErasmusPlus Symposium - 'The curriculum in higher education challenged, Brussels | April 2018
Looking over a novelist's shoulder: The genesis of 'Roosevelt' [Over de schouder van de schrijver: De genese van 'Roosevelt'] (VAV-conference - The Singel, Antwerp | January 2018
Addressing learning style in blended learning: The Calliope Case, Education Policy Day (Faculty of Arts, University of Antwerp | March 2018 | co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten & Daphne van Weijen, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Keystroke logging in writing and translation studies, Summer school on process and product methodologies in translation and interpreting studies (TT3 Ghent University | July 2017 | co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Feedback with D-PAC in Professional Communication: How do students and tutors reflect on the use of comparative judgement for writing tasks? D-PAC symposium (University of Antwerp | Nov 2017 - co-presenter: Suzy Stals)
Constructing and analysing copy tasks in writing research, ELN-COST meeting (University of Antwerp, November 2017| co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
How do MA level students write syntheses? Mapping advanced writers’ use of external sources, Global Advances in Business and Communication (GABC 2017), University of Antwerp| May 2017 | presenter: Mariëlle Leijten; co-presenters: Iris Schrijver & Lieve Vangehuchten)
Keystroke logging in Writing and Translation Process Research (Writing and Translation Workshop, Renmin University, China | November 2016 | co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Sustainable Communication about Sustainable Management in the Master Program Multlingual Professional Communication [Duurzaam Communiceren over Duurzaam Ondernemen] (Education Policy Day, University of Antwerp - Belgium| September 2016; co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
How do typing skills affect cognitive writing processes? Using copy tasks in cognitive writing process research (SIG Writing Conference - Liverpool, UK| July 2016 | co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Website browsing in third language writing: The impact of an intervention study (SIG Writing Conference - Liverpool, UK| July 2016 | presenter: Yvonne Knospe)
Developing multilingual copy tasks: Measuring typing skills in keystroke logging research (invited presentation - Umea University, Sweden | June 2016 | co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Keystroke logging in writing research: An introduction(COST - Keystroke Logging Training School - University of Antwerp, Belgium | March 2016 | co-presenters: Asa Wengelin, Victoria Johansson & Mariëlle Leijten) | 
Writing dynamics, pausing behavior and fluency (COST - Keystroke Logging Training School - University of Antwerp, Belgium | March 2016 | co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten) | 
Keystroke logging in professional writing (Invited guest lecture KULeuven - Campus Brussels, Belgium | December 2015 | co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Writing Competencies in Alzheimer’s Disease: An Exploration of Copy Tasks (Symposium 'The writing process of persons with acquired writing difficulties' - University of Antwerp, Belgium | September 2015 | co-presenters: Mariëlle Leijten,Peter Mariën & Sebastiaan Engelborghs)
Cognitive writing process characteristics in Alzheimer’s disease (Symposium 'The writing process of persons with acquired writing difficulties' - University of Antwerp, Belgium | September 2015 | presenter: Mariëlle Leijten,co-presneters: Peter Mariën & Sebastiaan Engelborghs)
Writing in a digital Writing Center: Blended learning, learning styles and writing styles [Schrijven in een digitaal schrijfcentrum: Blended learning, leerstijlen en schrijfprocessen] (Symposium 'Education and Innovation' - University of Antwerp, Belgium | co-presenters: Mariëlle Leijten, Liesbeth Opdenacker, Daphne van Weijen)
Writing process characteristics in Alzheimer's disease: A cognitive-linguistic analysis of pausing behavior ("Challenging Boundaries" - 42nd International Systemic Functional Congress, RWTH Aachen University, Germany | July 27-31, 2015 | Symposium: Logogenesis: chosen semantic features in text unfolding and choosing semantic features in text production - co-presenter Mariëlle Leijten
Revealing the Thinking and Composing Processes of Writers: Using Keystroke Logging in Writing Research - A state of the art.(CCCC 2015 Anual Convention (Conference on College Composition and Communication) - Tampa, Florida, USA | co-presenter Mariëlle Leijten)
Copy tasks as an instrument in cognitive writing research [Kopieertaken als instrument in cognitief schrijfprocesonderzoek]. (VIOT - Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing, 2014, Leuven, Belgium - co-presenter Mariëlle Leijten)
Cognitive writing processes of Alzheimer patients and healthy elderly: An exploration of two descriptive tasks [Cognitieve schrijfprocessen van mensen met de ziekte van Alzheimer en gezonde ouderen: twee beschrijvende taken]. (VIOT - Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing, 2014, Leuven, Belgium - presenter Mariëlle Leijten)
Writing fluency: Descibing the fluency of text composition using digital sources (CoWR SIG Writing Research Conference 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - co-presenter Mariëlle Leijten)
Writing in translation: Measuring the impact of writing training on the translation performance of translation studnets and professionals (CoWR SIG Writing Research Conference 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - presenter: Iris Scrijver; co-presenter: Leona Van Vaerenbergh & Mariëlle Leijten)
Cogntitive writing process chararcteristics in Alzheimer's disease(CoWR SIG Writing Research Conference 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - presenter: Mariëlle Leijten; co-presenter: Sebastiaan Engelborghs, Stefan Van der Mussele & Peter Mariën)
Defining the process of reading during writing using keystroke logging and eyetracking (CoWR SIG Writing Research Conference 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - presenter: Milou de Smet, co-presenter Mariëlle Leijten)| 
Writing Process studies using keystroke logging (Earli Research School 2014, Utrecht, The Netherlands - co-presenter: Mariëllle Leijten)
Writing training for translation students: Does it lead to a better translation performance? (PACTE 2014 didTRAD conference, Barcelona, Spain - presenter: Iris Scrijver; vo-presenters Leona Van Vaerenbergh & Mariëlle Leijten)
The dynamics of spelling homophone verbs: The effect of SV-distance and frequency on pausing behavior (WRAB-conference - Writing Across Borders, Paris - France | co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Information seeking in professional writing : twitter and e-mail communication (WRAB-conference - Writing Across Borders, Paris - France | presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
A multi-dimensional approach to fluency in text composition and translation (Keynote at Conference on 'Translation in transition: between cognition, computing and technology', Copenhangen Business School, Copenhagen - Denmark)
Looking into the head of the writer: Observing writing processes of non-fiction authors [Het hoofd van de schrijver ontbloot: Literaire schrijfprocessen nader bekeken] (Congres van de Vlaamse Auteursvereniging, De Singel, Antwerpen, Belgium, 2014 - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten and Maud Van Hauwaert)
Observing and analyzing writing processes with Keystroke Logging (Invited presentation at the CNRS Summer School on Dynamics of Writing : A multidisciplinary Approach. University of Poitiers, France, 2013 - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Analyzing professional writing from multiple sources via keystroke logging with Inputlog (Invited workshop at X Prowitec| Methods in Writing Process Research, Hamburg, Germany, 2013 - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
A process approach to text versioning: Using Inputlog to study the writing process of multiple writers producing multiple text versions (Invited speaker at the Workshop on Professional Writing: From keystroke logging corpus to textometry, Sorbonne University, Paris, France, 2013 - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Writing Fluency: A multidimensional perspective (Invited speaker at the Communication Symposium in honour of prof. dr. Peter Jan Schellens, Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2013)
Using keystroke logging to better define writing fluency in L1 and L2 (Keynote at The Eighth International Symposium on EFL Writing Research and Teaching in China, Shandong University, Jinan, China)
Writing research using keystroke logging (Symposium on Writing Research, University of Nanjing, Nanjing, China, October 2012 - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Keystroke logging in a Windows environment: Inputlog 5.1 (Tutorial at the Measuring Behavior Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, August 2012 - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Professional writing from multiple sources (Earli SIG Writing Conference, Porto, Portugal, July 2012 - presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Writing fluency revisited (Earli SIG Writing Conference, Porto, Portugal, July 2012 - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Het effect van leerstijl en persoonlijkheid op observational learning in Calliope [The effect of learning style and self-efficacy on observational learning in Calliope] (ORD 2012, Onderwijs Research Dagen, Wageningen, The Netherlands, June 2012 | presenter: Isabel Elst, co-presenter Mariëlle Leijten)
Methods in experimental writing research (CAiAC Research Summer School, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, June 2012 - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Setting up experiments through Inputlog (CAiAC Research Summer School, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, June 2012 - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Triangulating research: eye-tracking, keystroke logging and thinking aloud (CAiAC Research Summer School, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, June 2012 - presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
From keystrokes to annotated process data: Enriching the output of Inputlog with linguistic information (Eighth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation - LREC 2012, Istanbul | presenter: Lieve Macken - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten & Véronique Hoste)
A generic XML-structure for logging human interaction with the computer (COST Conference Action IS0703 - ERN-LWE “European Research Network on Learning to Write Effectively”, Poitiers, France - co-presenters: Mariëlle Leijten & Eric Van Horenbeeck)
From Character to Word Level: Enabling the Linguistic Analyses of Inputlog Process Data (CLW 2012, Second Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing, Avignon - presenter: Mariëlle Leijten - co-presenters: Lieve Macken & Veronique Hoste)
Tell me how you type, and I will tell you how you write: The use of keystroke logging in writing research (Vortrag Forschungsverbundes 'Educational Linguistics', Justus Liebig Universität, Giessen, Germany - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Schrijven in een digitaal schrijfcentrum: Het effect van leerstijlen op het leer- en schijfproces (VIOT-conferentie, Leiden, The Netherlands - co-presenters: Mariëlle Leijten & Daphne van der Weijen)
Professionele schrijfprocessen in een digitale omgeving [Professional Writing Processes in a Digital Environment] (VIOT-conferentie, Leiden, The Netherlands - presenter: Mariëlle Leijten, FWO | Flemish Scientific Organisation)
Investigating the problem-solving strategies of revisers through triangulating tracks (Text-Process-Text: Questions in Process Oriented Research on Translation and Interpreting, Stockholm, Sweden - presenter: Isabelle Robert, University of Antwerp & Artesis University College; co-presenter: Aline Remael & Louise Brunette, UQO, Québec,Canada)
Live subtitling with speech recognition: Causes and consequences of revisions in the production process (Third International symposium on live subtitling: Exploring new avenues and new contexts - Antwerp, Belgium 2011 - co-presenters: Mariëlle Leijten & Aline Remael)
Le bon sens en révision: procéder avec bon sens! [Revision procedures in translation] (1er Forum T&R, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France - presenter: Isabelle Robert, Artesis University College - co-presenters: Louise Brunette, UQO, Québec & Aline Remael, Artesis & University of Antwerp)
Preparing Keystroke logging data, part I (Workshop at Summerschool "Writing Process Research 2011: Keystroke logging & eye tracking" - University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 2011 - presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Analyzing Keystroke logging data (Presentation at Summerschool "Writing Process Research 2011: Keystroke logging & eye tracking" - University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 2011 - , co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Preparing Keystroke logging data, part II (Workshop at Summerschool "Writing Process Research 2011: Keystroke logging & eye tracking" - University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 2011 - presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Observing and analysing digital writing processes with Inputlog: How do writers use multiple sources to write a tweet? (Key 2011: Keystroke Language (and Text) Production: Perspectives from cognitive and functional linguistics - Cardiff, UK; co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Slechtnieuwsbrieven als genre: leren via observaties van studenten en experts [Writing bad news letters: Learning though observtion of students and experts]. (ORD conference - Passion for learning, Onderwijsresearchdagen, Maastricht University,
School of Business and Economics: presenter - Mariëlle Leijten, FWO; co-presenter, Milou De Smet, Open University, The Netherlands)
Réviser une traduction sans le texte source: fonctionnel mais déloyal [Revising a translated text without consulting the source text] (24th Conference of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies (CATS) - University of New Brunswick and St. Thomas University, Fredericton, Canada; presenter: Isabelle Robert, Artesis University College - co-presenters: Louise Brunette, UQO, Québec & Aline Remael, Artesis & University of Antwerp)
Professional Writing in a Digital Writing Center: The Effect of Learning Styles on the Learning and Writing Process (4th International Conference on Writing Research: Writing Research Across Borders II - George Mason University, Washington D.C./Northern Virginia, 2011 - co-presenters: Mariëlle Leijten & Daphne Van Weijen, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands)
The influence of working memory on error correction strategies during sentence production (4th International Conference on Writing Research: Writing Research Across Borders II - George Mason University, Washington D.C./Northern Virginia, 2011 - co-presenters: Mariëlle Leijten, David Galbraith - Staffordshire University, & Mark Torrance, Nottingham University, UK)
Writing Pedagogy and Writing Research: A tense relation [Schrijonderwijs en schrijfonderzoek: een spannende relatie] (Keynote at the Technical Communication symposium "Theory and Practice of Document Design" in honour of prof. dr. Michaël Steehouder, University of Twente - The Netherlands, 2010; co-presenter: Els van der Pool, University college of Arnhem and Nijmegen | HAN, The Netherlands)
Writing Research: A visit to the neighbours (Keynote at the 6th Conference of The European Society for Translation Studies, 'Tracks and Treks in TS', Louvain 2010)
Investigating the translation revision product and process through triangulating tracks: first results (6th Conference of The European Society for Translation Studies, 'Tracks and Treks in TS', Louvain 2010 | presenter Isabelle Robert, Artesis University College)
The dynamics of typing errors in text production (SIG Writing 2010, 12th International Conference of the earli Special Interest Group on Writing. Heidelberg University of Education | co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
The influence of working memory on error correction strategies durings entence production (SIG Writing 2010, 12th International Conference of the Earli Special Interest Group on Writing, Heidelberg University of Education | co-presenters: Mariëlle Leijten, David Galbraith - Staffordshire University, & Mark Torrance, Nottingham University)
Live subtitling with speech recognition: causes and consequences of text reduction (Languages and the Media, Berlin, October 2010 - co-presenters: Aline Remael (Artesis), Bieke Luyckx & Mariëlle Leijten)
Cognitive processes of writers of bad news letters (10th ABC Europe convention & 2nd GABC conference, Antwerp, 2010 - co-presenters: Marielle Leijten & Daniel Janssen - Utrecht University)
Effects of politeness strategies and directness in Dutch and Belgium bad news letters (10th ABC Europe convention & 2nd GABC conference, Antwerp, 2010 - co-presenters Daniel Janssen, Frank Jansen, Marielle Leijten)
Integrating research into business and corporate communication degree programs | Case: Master's program in multilingual Professional Communication at the University of Antwerp, Belgium (Roundtable at 10th ABC Europe convention & 2nd GABC conference, Antwerp, 2010 - co-presenter: Daniel Janssen, Utrecht University)
Schriftelijke slechtnieuwscommunicatie: wat leren we uit onderzoek? [Communicating bad news in writing: What do we learn from research?] (Conference of BVIC, the Belgian Asscoiation for Internal Communication, Brussels, 2010 - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Het gebruik van portfolio in colleges professionele communicatie [Integrating Portfolios in Professional Communication Classes] (symposium at University College Brussels) |
Studying Reading during Writing: Influences of task complexity on correction strategies (Invited speaker at Writing symposium 2009, Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Portfolio, peer feedback en peer assessment in een cursus Bedrijfscommunicatie [Portfolio, peer feedback and peer assessment in Business Communication].Invited speaker at the Brussels Education Conference, Brussels 2009)
Key transitions and typing errors (Earli Conference: 13th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2009 - poster | co-presenter: M. Leijten)
The influence of working memory on sentence production (Earli Conference: 13th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2009 - co-presenter: M. Leijten)
Building a Knowledge Center of writing process research (Earli Conference: 13th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2009 - workshop | co-presenter: M. Leijten)
Quality Assessment of Digital Educational Materials: The QuADEM Method (EATAW 2009 - Conference of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing, Coventry, UK - workshop, co-presenters: Liesbeth Opdenacker, Ingrid Stassen,Gerd Bräuer and Sarah Vaes)
Keystroke logging and text genesis (invited speaker at PIRSTEC Symposium - Agence Nationale pour la Recherche: Ecriture manuscrite, écriture électronique: les opérations cognitives / verbale d'ajout et de suppression, Paris, France - co-presenter: M. Leijten)
Observing and Analysing Translation Processes (workshop at Media For All, 3rd International Conference: Quality made to measure, Antwerp - co-presenter: M. Leijten)
Live subtitling with speech recognition: Causes of text reduction (poster at Media For All, 3rd International Conference: Quality made to measure, Antwerp - co-presenter: B. Luyckx, T. Delbeke, A. Remael, M. Leijten)
Recursivity in writing processes: observation and analysis [Recursiviteit in schrijfprocessen observeren en analyseren] (VIOT-congres, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2008 - co-presenters: Mariëlle Leijten, Nico Verlinden)
Revision strategies of professional users of speech technology writing business texts [Correctiestrategieën van professionele spraakherkenningsgebruikers tijdens het schrijven van zakelijke teksten] (VIOT-congres, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2008 - presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Text reduction and delay in live subtitling with speech technology [Tekstreductie en delay bij live ondertiteling met spraakherkenning] (VIOT-congres, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2008 - presenter: Tijs Delbeke, co-presenters: Marielle Leijten, Aline Remael & Bart van der Veer)
Live Subtitling with Speech Recognition. An Analysis of Text Reduction, Delay and Eror Production (ICWE Conference on Languages and the Media 2008, Berlin, Germany - presenter: Tijs Delbeke, co-presenters: Aline Remael and Mariëlle Leijten)
The interpretation of pause-clusters in writing processes (Earli SIG Writing 2008, Lund, Sweden, - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Interrogating Writing Technologies: Quality assessment in the online writing center (CCCC 2008 New Orleans, USA - presenter: Liesbeth Opdenacker)
Real Time Subtitling (Audiovisual Translation Conference 2008: Multidisciplinary Approaches, Université Montpellier - presenter: Tijs Delbeke, co-presenters: Bart Van de Veer, Aline Remael and Mariëlle Leijten)
Writers' shift between error-correcting and sentence composing (Writing Research Across Borders 2008, Santa Barbara, USA - presenter: Thomas Quinlan, co-presenters: Maaike Loncke & Mariëlle Leijten)
Observing writing and analyzing revisions with Inputlog (Writing Research Across Borders 2008, Santa Barbara, USA - co-presenters: Mariëlle Leijten & Nico Verlinden)
Writing development and knowledge crafting (Writing Research Across Borders 2008, Santa Barbara, USA - presenter: Eva Lindgren, co-presenter:Mariëlle Leijten)
The effect of errors in the text produced so far on writing strategies of professional writers (Writing Research Across Borders 2008, Santa Barbara, USA - presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Observational learning in an academic writing task (ETAW 2007 Bochum - co-presenters: Mariet Raedts, Frans Daems & Gert Rijlaarsdam)
Schrijven (z)onder handen: Het gebruik van procesobservatie in het schrijfonderwijs [Process observation in writing instruction] (HSN Conference 2007, Utrecht - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Examining Feedback and Learning Styles in the Online Writing Center (CCCC-Convention 2007, New York, USA - co-presenters: Ingrid Stassen, Radboud University Nijmegen & Liesbeth Opdenacker)
Methodological developments in writing research (Conference on Discourse, Cognition and Communication, University of Utrecht, November 2006 - co-presenters: Daniël Janssen & Mariëlle Leijten)
Working Memory and Error Analysis in Writing (10th Earli SIG Writing Conference 2006, Antwerp, Belgium - co-presenters:Sarah Ransdell & Mariëlle Leijten)
Writers shifting between generating, error-detecting, and correcting (10th Earli SIG Writing Conference 2006, , Antwerp, Belgium - co-presenters: Thomas Quinlan, Maaike Loncke & Marielle Leijten)
Combining keystroke logging and speech logging: Using Inputlog to observe writers who use speech recognition as a writing medium (Poster at 10th Earli SIG Writing Conference 2006, Antwerp, Belgium - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
New developments in Inputlog: The integration of keystroke logging & speech logging (Workshop 10th Earli SIG Writing Conference 2006 - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Portret van een portfolio: Op zoek naar rendement voor student en docent [Portret of a portfolio: In search of efficiency for both students and tutors] (CNO, Centrum voor Nascholing Onderwijs, Universiteit Antwerpen - co-presenter: Suzy Stals)
Inputlog: A registration program for writing processes (ABLA Conference - Association Belge de Linguistique Appliquée | Belgische Vereniging voor Toegepaste Linguistiek, Brussels 2006 - Poster, co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Ontwikkeling van nieuwe computerapplicaties gebaseerd op schrijfonderzoek [The development of new computer applications based on writing research] (Onderzoeksdag 'Partners in onderzoek', Associatie Universiteit & Hogescholen Antwerpen, Antwerpen, 2006 - Poster, co-presenters: Nico Verlinden (KdG) & Mariëlle Leijten)
Methodological developments in writing research (Conference on Discourse, Cognition and Communication, University of Utrecht, November 2006 - co-presenters: Daniël Janssen & Mariëlle Leijten)
Working Memory and Error Analysis in Writing (10th Earli SIG Writing Conference 2006, Antwerp, Belgium - co-presenters:Sarah Ransdell & Mariëlle Leijten)
Writers shifting between generating, error-detecting, and correcting (10th Earli SIG Writing Conference 2006, , Antwerp, Belgium - co-presenters: Thomas Quinlan, Maaike Loncke & Marielle Leijten)
Combining keystroke logging and speech logging: Using Inputlog to observe writers who use speech recognition as a writing medium (Poster at 10th Earli SIG Writing Conference 2006, Antwerp, Belgium - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
New developments in Inputlog: The integvelopments in Inputlog: The integration of keystroke logging & speech logging (Workshop 10th Earli SIG Writing Conference 2006 - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Portret van een portfolio: Op zoek naar rendement voor student en docent [Portret of a portfolio: In search of efficiency for both students and tutors] (CNO, Centrum voor Nascholing Onderwijs, Universiteit Antwerpen - co-presenter: Suzy Stals)
Inputlog: A registration program for writing processes (ABLA Conference - Asrd USA - co-presenters: Liesbeth Opdenacker & Ingrid Stassen)
The Development of Academic Writing: Work in Progress (European Writing Centers Association [EWCA] Halkidiki, Greece - co-presenters: Ingrid Stassen, Vincent Boeschoten, Usha Wilbers & Liesbeth Opdenacker)
Integrating a feedback component in a multi-lingual online writing center (Conference of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing [EATAW], Athens, Greece - co-presenters: Ingrid Stassen, Vincent Boeschoten, Usha Wilbers & Liesbeth Opdenacker)
The Effect of Speech Technology on Writing Business Texts (Association of Business Communication, ABC Annual Convention 2004, Cambridge, USA - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Writing Press Releases with Calliope (Association of Business Communication, ABC Annual Convention 2004, Cambridge, USA - co-presenter: Geert Jacobs & Liesbeth Opdenacker)
Bedrijfscommunicatie met Calliope [Business Communication with Calliope](HSN-conferentie 2004, Antwerpen - co-presenter: Liesbeth Opdenacker)
Writing business texts with speech recognition software: the effect of the visibility of the "text produced so far" (EARLI SIG Writing 2004, Geneva, Switzerland - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Inputlog: a logging tool for research on writing processes in a Windows environment (EARLI SIG Writing 2004, Geneva, Switzerland - co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Match or mismatch? Students' self-efficacy beliefs and their scores on a difficult writing task (EARLI SIG Writing 2004, Geneva, Switzerland - co-presenters Mariet Raedts, Frans Daems & Gert Rijlaarsdam)
French business communication online: Let Calliope guide you through it
Or how to implement an open process approach in an online writing centre (CALL Conference: CALL & Research Methodologies, Antwerp, Belgium - 2004; co-presenters: Isabelle de Ridder, Liesbeth Opdenacker)
Integrating Computer-Assisted Writing Tools in a Multi-Lingual Online Writing Center (Computers and Writing Conference: Writing in Globalization, Honolulu, Hawai'i - 2004; co-presenter: Liesbeth Opdenacker)
Competentie versus overtuiging: De rol van zelfeffectiviteitsverwachtingen op de schrijfprestaties van eerstejaarsstudenten [Competence versus conviction: The role of self-efficacy in the writing performance of first year college students](Onderwijs Research Dagen, Utrecht, Nederland, 2004; co-presenters: M. Raedts, F. Daems, G. Rijlaarsdam)
Talking to the Computer? Differences in adaptation strategies of initial users of speech recognition systems (EARLI-Conference, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Padova, Italy, 2003 - poster; co-presenters: Ivy Ackerman & Mariëlle Leijten)
Success and failure of learning from the screen: Is screen-design a critical factor? (EARLI-Conference, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Padova, Italy, 2003 - poster; co-presenter: Isabelle De Ridder)
Implementing an Open Process Approach to a Multilingual, Online Writing Center (Conference of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing, Budapest, Hungary, 2003; co-presenter: Liesbeth Opdenacker)
Calliope: the development of a multilingual digital writing center (IWCA-conference, Hershey, USA, 2003 co-presenter: Liesbeth Opdenacker)
Calliope: concept en ontwikkeling van een multilinguaal digitaal schrijfcentrum [Transl.: Calliope: design and development of a multilingual digital writing center] (VioT 2oo2, Antwerpen; co-presenter: Liesbeth Opdenacker) riters: How the analysis of reading behaviour provides a sound basis to design L2-hypertexts (Earli SIG-Writing, Stafford, England, 2002; co-presenter: Isabelle De Ridder)
The Adaptation Process of Writers Using Speech Technology: An Analyses of Writing Processes and Learning Strategies of Initial Users (Earli SIG-Writing, Stafford, England, 2002; co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Invloed van hyperlink-markeringen op het lees- en leerproces [Transl.: Influence of marking hyperlinks on the reading and learning process] (Studiedag Tekstblad, Universiteit Nijmegen, 2002; co-presenter: Isabelle De Ridder)
Creating a European Writing Center: The Use of XML in a Multi-lingual Approach (IWCA-conference, Savannah, USA, 2002 co-presenter: Elke Van Steendam & Liesbeth Opdenacker)
Constructing press releases: quotations as preformulation (Sociolinguistics Conference SS14, Gent, 2002; co-presenters: Kim Sleurs en Geert Jacobs)
The impact of text structure and linguistic markers on the text comprehension of elderly people. (MAD conference, Multidisciplinary approaches to discourse, Ittre 2001 co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
The Influence of Voice Recognition on the Writing Process. Cognitive and Stylistic Effect of Speech Technology on Writing Business Texts. (Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT, Tokyo, Japan 2001 – poster; co-presenter: Mariëlle Leijten)
Testing usability test for web sites: An evaluation of task variation in think aloud sessions (Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT, Tokyo, Japan 2001)
The influence of structure and politeness strategies on the perception of product recalls (IPRA Conference, International Pragmatic Conference, Budapest, 2000; co-presenter: C. Van Wijk)
Gemarkeerde hyperlinks: Impact op navigatiestrategie en tekstbegrip. (Viot-congres, Delft, 1999; co-presenter: I. De Ridder)
Evaluatie van voorlichtingsmateriaal met de plus-minmethode (Lezing Ministerie van Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Brussel 1999)
Pretesten van zakelijke teksten. Kijken door de ogen van de lezer (Lezing Vlaamse Vereniging voor Zakelijke Communicatie, Leuven 1999)
Elektronisch taaladvies. (Lezing Vlaams ministerie van Cultuur, Brussel, 1999)
Detecting navigation barriers in financial websites (International Conference on Document Design, Tilburg 1998)
Evaluating on-line and off-line searching behavior: using thinking-aloud protocols to detect navigation barriers. (ACM Sigdoc, Québec 1998)
Een andere kijk op de kwaliteit van bedrijfsteksten (AIDA, Antwerpen, 1998)
Finding information on paper and on the Web (Writing & Computer Conference, Brighton, 1997)
Schrijfonderzoek en Schrijfonderwijs (cyclus van 5 lezingen in opdracht van de ARGO, Brussel, 1997)
A new medium a new message: electronic mail in academic settings (co-presenter: C. Vaessen & E. Gijsbrechts; European Writing Conference, Barcelona, 1996)
Routebeschrijvingen: een samenspel tussen talige en cartografische informatie (VIOT-conferentie, Utrecht 1996)
De computer als ‘tool’ en als ‘tutor’ in het schrijfonderwijs (Gastlezing op de Methodenconferentie Nederlandse Taalunie 1996)
Using hypertext for on-line language advising (Eight Annual Conference on Writing and Computers, London, 1995)
Keystroke recording as an instrument for investigating and teaching writing processes (International Conference of the Association of Business Commnication, San Diego, CA - San Diego, 1994)
The computer as a tool in writing research: in search of the limitations (International Conference on Writing and Computers & Sig Writing International, Utrecht, 1994)
Keytrapping as a tool for writing research (Kolloquium, Die Produktion wissenschaftlicher Texte im Zeitalter des Computers, Hamburg, 1994)
De invloed van hardop denken op het schrijfproces (VIOT-congres, Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing, Gent, 1993; co-presenters: D. Janssen, J. Schilperoord & W. Wassenaar)
Hardop denken als methode van schrijfprocesonderzoek (VIOT-congres, Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing, Gent, 1993; co-presenters: D. Janssen, J. Schilperoord & W. Wassenaar)
Writing research, new technologies and the teaching of writing. Three worlds apart? (keynote address, DLF/FFS-Tisvildeleje, Kopenhagen - Denemarken, 1993)
Writing and Computers. Implications for the Teaching of Writing. (keynote address, Odense Universitet, Odense - Denemarken, 1993)
How do writers adapt their writing processes to word processing? An analysis of writing processes of business report writers. (International Conference on Discourse and the Profession, Uppsala, Zweden, 1992)
Writing Profiles of computer writers. A quantitative analysis of writing processes of writers writing business reports (Computers and Writing International Conference, Indianapolis, 1992)
De computer en het schrijfproces. De invloed van de tekstverwerker op het pauze- en revisiegedrag van schrijvers (VIOT-congres, Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing, Amsterdam, 1992)
Using log-files for the description and analysis of writing profiles (Workshop on Writing Process Research, Utrecht, 1991)
The influence of the computer on writing profiles (Conference on Functional Text Quality, Utrecht, 1991)
Schrijfonderzoek en schrijfinstructie, de gevolgen van het recent onderzoek over schrijfprocessen op de organisatie van schrijftrainingen (seminarie voor het communicatie-adviesbureau Vergouwen-Overduin, Amsterdam, 1991)
Rapporteren met computer en pen&papier: Verschillen in het pauze- en revisiegedrag bij ervaren schrijvers (ANELA-studiedag, Association Néerlandaise de Linguistique Appliqué, Utrecht, 1991)
De invloed van de schermgrootte op het revisiegedrag van ervaren schrijvers (VIOT-congres, Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing, Groningen, 1990)
Writing business letters with and without a word processor (International Convention of the Association for Business Communication, Indianapolis - USA, 1988)
Invloed van tekstverwerking op het revisiegedrag (VIOT-Congres, Amsterdam 1987)
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