    research projects
    phd projects



PhD projects

  current PhD projects


Member of PhD commission of Margot Fonteyne, Ghent University, Belgium
One tool fits all: The role of tool type and language proficiency in translation tool-asssited second languag writing processes. (promotores: prof.dr. Lieve Macken and prof.dr. Joke Daems, Ghent University, Belgium)

Member of PhD commission of Florentine-Sterk, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Style and substance: Training in popularization discourse for interdisciplinary higher education students (pomotores: prof.dr. prof.dr I. van der Tuin & prof.dr. M. Burke, Utrecht University, The Netherlands)

Promotor of Leidy Vanessa Hidalgo Gonzalez, University of Umea, Sweden
English as a Medium of Instruction in Higher Education: Progression in writing abilitie (Joint PhD - promotor: prof. dr. Kirk Sullivan, University of Umea, Sweden; prof. dr. Mariëlle Leijten, University of Antwerp, Belgium)

Member of PhD commission of Xiaoli Wu, University of Leuven, Belgium
Exploring self-efficacy beliefs as a mediating variable in EFL learning: The case of Chinese learners of English vocabulary (promotor: prof. dr. J. Elen; co-promotors: prof. dr. J. Lowyck & prof. dr. L. Sercu)

  previous PhD projects


Promotor of Floor Buschenhenke, Huygens ING, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Track Changes: Textual Scholarship and the Challenge of Digital Literary Writing (other promotors: prof. dr. Karina van Dalen-Oskam (Huygens ING / University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and prof. dr. Dirk Van Hulle (University of Antwerp - January 2025)

Member of PhD commission of Lamyk Bekius, Huygens ING, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Track Changes: Textual Scholarship and the Challenge of Digital Literary Writing (promotors: prof. dr. Karina van Dalen-Oskam (Huygens ING / University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands), prof. dr. Mariëlle Leijten and prof. dr. Dirk Van Hulle (University of Antwerp - 2023)

Promotor of Rianne Conijn, Tilburg University, The Netherlands | University of Antwerp, Belgium
The keys to writing: A writing analytics approach to studying writing processes using keystroke logging (other promotors: prof. dr. Menno van Zaanen and prof. dr. Pieter Spronck (Tilburg University, The Netherlands - October 2020)

Promotor of Yvonne Knospe, University of Umea, Sweden | University of Antwerp, Belgium
Writing in a third language. A study of upper secondary students’ texts, writing processes and metacognition (Joint PhD - promotor: prof. dr. Kirk Sullivan, University of Umea, Sweden - June 2018)

Promotor of Iris Schrijver, Artesis University College Antwerp, Belgium
Text production and transediting in the translation process (promotor: prof. dr. L. Van Vaerenbergh, Artesis University College, Antwerp - September 2014) - Awarded with the CIUTI Award (October 2015) and the trianual EST Young Scholar Prize (September 2016 - European Society for Translation)

Promotor of Isabelle Robert, Artesis University College Antwerp - University of Antwerp, Belgium
Impact of revision procedures on the quality of translation processes [La révision en traduction: les procedures de revision et leur impact sur le produit et le processus de révision (other promotors: prof. dr. A. Remael, Artesis University College, Antwerp & prod. dr. L. Brunette, Université de Québec en Outaouais, Canada) May 2012

Promotor of Tom Van Hout, University of Ghent, Belgium
Writing from sources: Ethnographic insights into business news production (Other promotor: prof. dr. G. Jacobs, University of Ghent - 2010)

Promotor of Mariet Raedts, VLEKHO Business School Brussels, Belgium
The influence of the instruction method on the task knowledge and the self-efficacy beliefs of experienced writers (other promotors: prof. dr. F. Daems, University of Antwerp & prof. dr. G. Rijlaersdam, University of Amsterdam, 2000-2008)

Co-promotor of Mariëlle Leijten, University of Antwerp, Belgium
The influence of different writing modes on the writing process (promotor: prof. dr. P. van den Hoven & dr. D. Janssen, University of Utrecht, 2001-2007)

Promotor of Isabelle De Ridder, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Reading from the Screen in a Second Language: Empirical studies on the effect of marked hyperlinks on incidental vocabulary learning, text comprehension and the reading process (1998-2003)

  Member of PhD-commissions


Member of PhD commission of Janneke van der Loo, - Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Mastering the art of academic writing: Comparing the effectiveness of observational learning and learning by doing (supervisors: prof. dr. Emiel Kramer & dr. M.A.A. van Amelsvoort, Tilburg University, The Netherlands - February 2022)

Member of PhD commission of Yu (Terry) Tian, - Georgia State University, Georgia, USA
Associations between the dynamics of the writing process and argument construction in L1 and L2 undergraduate writers (supervisor: prof. dr. Scott Crosley, Georgia State University, USA - October 2021)

Member of PhD commission of Anne Sætersdal Myklestad, - Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway
Writing in L1 Norwegian and L2 English: A study of processes and products related to young writers' text production in the Norwegian school context (supervisors: prof. dr. Monika Bader & Prof. dr. Sandra Halverson, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway - November 2020)

Member of PhD commission of Nina Vandermeulen, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Synthesis writing in upper-secondary education: From a baseline of texts and processes to process-oriented feedback (promotors: prof. dr. Gert Rijlaarsdam & Prof. dr. Mariëlle Leijten, University of Antwerp, Belgium - September 2020)

Member of PhD commission of Louise Nell, Utrecht University - The Netherlands
Multichannel pension communication: An integrated perspective on policies, practices and literacy(promotors: prof. dr. Leo Lentz & Henk Pander Maat, Utrecht University, The Netherlands - May 2017)

Member of PhD commission of Elise Drijbooms, Radboud University, Nijmegen - The Netherlands & University of Antwerp - Belgium
Cognitive and Linguistic Factors in Writing Development (promotors: prof. dr. J. Verhoeven, Radboud University, The Netherlands, Prof. dr. D. Alamargot, University of Paris Est & Prof. dr. M. Leijten, University of Anwterp- April 2016)

Member of PhD Commission of Nina Verhaert, University of Antwerp, Belgium
The impact of lexical and sublexical homophony during spelling and reading homophone verbs. Promotors: prof. dr. Dominiek Sandra & Walter Daelemans

Member of PhD commission of Vasiliki Gargalianou , University of Antwerp, Belgium
The role of language in business settings (promotor: prof. dr. A. Wittelostuijn, Tilburg University, The Netherlands - September 2015)

Chair of PhD commission of Ann Overbergh, University of Antwerp, Belgium
New technology, new media, and emerging audiovisual formats and genres in East-Africa. (promotors: prof. dr. Annick Schramme & prof. dr. Arjen Van Witteloostuijn) - November 2014)

Member of PhD commission of Milou de Smet, Open University, Heerlen, The Netherlands
Composing the unwritten text: Effects of electronic outlining of students' argumentative writing (supervisors: prof. dr. P.A. Kirschner & Prof.dr. F. Brand-Gruwel - January 2014)

Member of the PhD committee of Sanne Elling, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
Evaluation of municipal websites: Development and Validation of expert-focused and user-focused evaluation methods(promotor: prof. dr. Leo Lentz, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands & prof. dr. Menno de Jong, University of Twente, The Netherlands- November 2012)

Member of the PhD committee of Daphne van Weijen, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
Writing processes, text quality, and task effects: Empirical studies in first and second language writing.
(promotor: prof. dr. H. van den Berghe, prof. dr. G. Rijlaarsdam & prof. dr. T. Sanders, University of Utrecht | University of Amsterdam - January 2009)

Member of the PhD committee of Maaike van den Haak, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Comparison of concurrent think aloud protocols, retrospective think-aloud protocols, and constructive interaction for usability testing.
(promotor: prof. dr. Peter Jan Schellens, Radboud University Nijmegen & Menno de Jong, University of Twente - June 2008)

Member of the PhD committee of Joeri De Haes, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Investigating online consumer behaviour: the impact of Internet shopping site design on emotional and cognitive consumer responses
(promotors: prof. dr. A. Lievens & prof. dr. W. Van Waterschoot, University of Antwerp, Department of Marketing, Belgium - November 2006)

Member of the PhD committee of Julien Perrez, Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve), Belgium.
Etude linguistique et psycholinguistique des marqueurs discursifs en langue maternelle et en langue seconde. [On the combination of corpus-based and experimental methodologies in the study of causal, adversative and metadiscourse connectives in L1 and L2 text comprehension and production]
(promotor: prof. dr. L. Degand, Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve), Belgium - November 2006)

Member of the PhD committee of Daphne van Weijen, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
Writing processes, text quality, and task effects: Empirical studies in first and second language writing.
(promotor: prof. dr. H. van den Berghe, prof. dr. G. Rijlaarsdam & prof. dr. T. Sanders, University of Utrecht | University of Amsterdam - January 2009)

Member of the PhD committee of Maaike van den Haak, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Comparison of concurrent think aloud protocols, retrospective think-aloud protocols,tocols, and constructive interaction for usability testing.
(promotor: prof. dr. Peter Jan Schellens, Radboud University Nijmegen & Menno de Jong, University of Twente - reign language: A comparison of conceptual and linguistic processes in Dutch and English (promotor: prof. dr. J. Hulstijn, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands - November 2005)