

Jan Nuyts

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Citatiegegevens volgens Harzing's Publish or Perish, gebaseerd op Google Scholar, op 29 april 2024: citaties: 6302; h-index: 32; g-index: 77.


Te verschijnen

J. Nuyts. Modaliteit en evidentialiteit. Hfst. 18 van de Algemene Nederlandse Spraakkunst.

J. Nuyts. Modality. In: Chris Sinha, Xu Wen (red.), The Cambridge encyclopedia of Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


J. Nuyts. Modality in mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. In druk.

J. Nuyts. On the link between grammaticalization and subjectification: The case of the Dutch modals. Studies in Language 48: 608-637.


J. Nuyts, W. Caers en H.-J. Goelen. Zullen en willen: Twee vreemde eenden in de modale bijt. Nederlandse Taalkunde 28: 278-305.


J. Nuyts (2022). 'Memory' as an evidential category. In: Festschrift for a colleague. In druk.

J. Nuyts (2022). Autonomous vs. non-autonomous syntax. In: J.Verschueren, J.-O.Östman (red.), Handbook of pragmatics: Manual, 2nd edition, 112-117. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

J. Nuyts (2022). Functionalism vs. formalism. In: J.Verschueren, J.-O.Östman (red.), Handbook of pragmatics: Manual, 2nd edition, 634-642. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Nuyts, J. (2022). Mentalism. In: J.Verschueren, J.-O.Östman (red.), Handbook of pragmatics: Manual, 2nd edition, 946-947. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

J. Nuyts, W. Caers en H.-J. Goelen (2022). The Dutch modals, a paradigm? In: G. Diewald, K. Politt (red.), Paradigms regained: Theoretical and empirical arguments for the reassessment of the notion of paradigm, 245–265. Berlin: Language Science Press.


J. Nuyts (2021). Qualifying conceptualizations. In: Xu Wen, John Taylor (red.), The Routledge handbook of cognitive linguistics, 421-432. New York: Routledge.

J. Nuyts en W. Caers (2021). Directionals and re-autonomization in the Dutch modals. Language Dynamics and Change 11, 241–272.

S. Koohkan en J. Nuyts (2021). Grammaticalization and (inter)subjectification in a few Iranian modals: A paradox resolved by Dutch. Australian Journal of Linguistics 41, 389-407.

K. Janssens en J. Nuyts (2021). On the origins of the epistemic, evidential, and subjectivity meanings in the mental state predicates: The case of Dutch. Jezikoslovlje 22, 227-250.

J. Nuyts, W. Caers en H.-J. Goelen (2021). System and variation in the Dutch modals: A diachronic perspective. In: G. Kristiansen, K. Franco, S. De Pascale, L. Rosseel, W. Zhang (red.), Cognitive sociolinguistics revisited, 242-250. Berlin: De Gruyter.


J. Nuyts (2020). O corpora, o mores. Nederlandse Taalkunde 25, 193-195.

J. Nuyts (2020). Echt crisis in de taalkunde? Invited discussion paper for Verslagen & Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Taal en Letteren 130, 77-82.

J. Nuyts, H.-J. Goelen en W. Caers (2020). Hoeveel systeem zit er in het systeem van de Nederlandse modale werkwoorden? Leuvense Bijdragen 102, 209-220.

S. Koohkan, J. Nuyts en A. Golfam (2020). The relation between grammaticalization and intersubjectification in designating the genesis of modal auxiliaries. Journal of Western Iranian Languages and Dialects 8, 95-112. [In Perzisch.]


J. Nuyts en J. van der Auwera (red., 2019). The Oxford handbook of modality and mood. Paperback-uitgave. Oxford: Oxford University Press. xiv + 667 pp.

J. Nuyts en K. Janssens (2019). Parentheticals revisited: The case of Dutch denken. Folia Linguistica Historica 40, 475-508.


J. Nuyts, H.-J. Goelen en W. Caers (2018). Hoeven diachroon. Taal en Tongval 70, 17-46.


J. Nuyts (2017). Evidentiality reconsidered. In: Juana I. Marin-Arrese, Gerda Haßler, Marta Carretero (red.), Evidentiality revisited: Cognitive grammar, functional and discourse-pragmatic perspectives, 57-83. Amsterdam: Benjamins.


J.Nuyts en J.van der Auwera (red., 2016). The Oxford handbook of modality and mood. Oxford: Oxford University Press. xiv + 667 pp.

J.Nuyts (2016). Surveying modality and mood: An introduction. In: J.Nuyts, J.van der Auwera (red.), The Oxford handbook of modality and mood, 1-8. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

J.Nuyts (2016). Analyses of the modal meanings. In: J.Nuyts, J.van der Auwera (red.), The Oxford handbook of modality and mood, 31-49. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

J.Nuyts (2016). What a personal pronoun can do for you: The case of a southern Dutch dialect. In: K. Allan, A. Capone, I. Kecskes (eds.), Pragmemes and theories of language use, 679-702. Cham: Springer.


J.Nuyts (2015). Surveying modality and mood: An introduction. Oxford Handbooks Online. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199591435.013.37

J.Nuyts (2015). Subjectivity: Between discourse and conceptualization. Journal of Pragmatics 86, 106-110.

J.Nuyts en P.Byloo (2015). Competing modals: Beyond (inter)subjectification. Diachronica 32, 34–68.


J.Nuyts (2014). Analyses of the modal meanings. Oxford Handbooks Online. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199591435.013.1

J.Nuyts (2014). Subjectivity in modality, and beyond. In: A. Zuczkowski, R. Bongelli, I. Riccioni, C. Canestrari (red.), Communicating certainty and uncertainty in medical, supportive and scientific contexts, 13-30. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

J.Nuyts (2014). Notions of (inter)subjectivity. In: L. Brems, L. Ghesquière, F. Van de Velde (red.), Intersubjectivity and intersubjectification in grammar and discourse: Theoretical and descriptive advances, 53-76. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

J.Nuyts (2014). Zelfstandig gebruikte modalen: Een functioneel perspectief. Nederlandse Taalkunde 19, 351-373, 415-418.

L. Aelbrecht en J.Nuyts (2014). 'Eenzame' modalen: Een discussie. Nederlandse Taalkunde 19, 401-418.

P.Byloo en J.Nuyts (2014). Meaning change in the Dutch core modals: (Inter)subjectification in a grammatical paradigm. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 46, 85-116.

K. Janssens en J. Nuyts (2014). 'Nu thenke, wannan thaz geschehan si': Een diachrone analyse van denken. Nederlandse Taalkunde 19, 311-348.

K.Janssens en J.Nuyts (2014). How did we think? In: M. de los Ángeles Gómez González, F. Ruíz de Mendoza Ibañez, F. Gonzálvez García, A. Downing (red.), The functional perspective on language and discourse, 149-167. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

K. Janssens en J. Nuyts (2014). Me dunkt! Een diachrone blik op dunken. In: F. Van de Velde, H. Smessaert, F. Van Eynde, S. Verbrugge (red.), Patroon en argument, 379-392. Leuven: Leuven University Press.


J.Nuyts (2013). De-auxiliarization without de-modalization in the Dutch core modals: A case of collective degrammaticalization? Language Sciences 36, 124-133.

P.Byloo en J.Nuyts (2013). Modal auxiliaries and tense: The case of Dutch. In: K.Jaszczolt, L.de Saussure (red.), Time: Language, cognition, and reality, 73-97. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


J.van der Auwera en J.Nuyts (red., 2012). Grammaticalization and (inter)subjectification. Brussel: Royal Academy of Sciences. 110 pp.

J.Nuyts (2012). Notions of (inter)subjectivity. English Text Construction 5, 53-76.

J.Nuyts (2012). Language is an instrument of thought. Really? Pragmatics & Cognition 20, 317-333.

N.Gbegble en J.Nuyts (2012). The expression of epistemic modality in Ewe. Africana Linguistica 18, 133-168.


P.Byloo en J.Nuyts (2011). The diachrony of Dutch mogen. Antwerpen: Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 113. 192 pp. (http://webhost.ua.ac.be/apil/apil113/index.htm)

J.Nuyts (2011). Pattern versus process concepts of grammar and mind: A cognitive-functional perspective. In: M.Brdar, S.T.Gries, M.Žic Fuchs (red.), Cognitive linguistics: Convergence and expansion, 47-66. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

J.Nuyts (2011). Degrammaticalisatie in de Nederlandse modale hulpwerkwoorden. Verslagen en Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 121, 155-182.


J.Nuyts, P.Byloo en J.Diepeveen (2010). On deontic modality, directivity, and mood: The case of Dutch mogen and moeten. Journal of Pragmatics 42, 16-34.

P.Byloo, J.Nuyts en J.van der Auwera (2010). Beter en best. In: J.De Caluwe, J. Van Keymeulen (red.), Voor Magda: Artikelen voor Magda Devos bij haar afscheid van de Universiteit Gent, 93-109. Gent: Academia Press.


J.Nuyts (2009). The 'one-commitment-per-clause' principle and the cognitive status of qualificational categories. Linguistics 47, 141-171.

J.Nuyts (2009). Language, conceptualization and TAM marking: A cognitive-functional perspective. Wai guo yu (Journal of Foreign Languages) 32/1, 2-43.

J.Nuyts (2009). The Dutch modals and (de)grammaticalization. In: S.Slembrouck, M. Taverniers, M.Van Herreweghe (red.), From will to well: Studies in linguistics offered to Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen, 347-355. Gent: Academia Press.


J.Nuyts (2008). Qualificational meanings, illocutionary signals, and the cognitive planning of language use. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics 6, 185-207.

J.Nuyts (2008). Pattern vs. process concepts of grammar and mind: A cognitive functional perspective. Jezikoslovlje 9, 87-107.


J.Nuyts (2007). Cognitive linguistics and functional linguistics. In: D.Geeraerts, H.Cuyckens (red.), Handbook of cognitive linguistics, 543-565. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

J.Nuyts (2007). Kunnen diachroon. Taal en Tongval 59, 118-148.

J.Nuyts, P.Byloo en J.Diepeveen (2007). Mogen en moeten en de relaties tussen deontische modaliteit en modus. Nederlandse Taalkunde 12, 153-174.

J.van der Auwera en J.Nuyts (2007). Cognitive linguistics and linguistic typology. In: D.Geeraerts, H.Cuyckens (red.), Handbook of cognitive linguistics, 1074-1091. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

P.Byloo, R.Kastein en J.Nuyts (2007). On certainly and zeker. In: M.Hannay, G.Steen (red.), Studies in English grammar, 35-57. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

R.Boogaart, P.Byloo, J.Diepeveen, T.Janssen en J.Nuyts (2007). Modale verschillen tussen België en Nederland in het CGN. Nederlandse Taalkunde 12, 236-250.

J.Nuyts, J.Diepeveen en P.Byloo (2007). Hopen is niet ‘niet vrezen’, vrezen is niet ‘niet hopen’. In: D.Sandra, R.Rymenans, P.Cuvelier, P.Van Petegem (red.), Tussen taal, spelling en onderwijs, 101-112. Gent: Academia Press.


J.Diepeveen, R.Boogaart, J.Brantjes, P.Byloo, T.Janssen en J.Nuyts (2006). Modale uitdrukkingen in Belgisch-Nederlands en Nederlands-Nederlands: Corpusonderzoek en enquête. Amsterdam: Stichting Neerlandistiek / Münster: Nodus. x + 145 pp.

J.Nuyts (2006). Modality: Overview and linguistic issues. In: W.Frawley (red.), The expression of modality, 1-26. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.

P.Byloo, R.Kastein en J.Nuyts (2006). On certainly and zeker. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 20, 45-72.

J.Diepeveen, P.Byloo, R.Boogaart, J.Brantjes, H.Kloots, T.Janssen en J.Nuyts (2006). Modale uitdrukkingen in Belgisch-Nederlands en Nederlands-Nederlands: De enquête als onderzoeksinstrument. Studies van de Belgische Kring voor Linguïstiek 1. 14pp. (zie www.bkl-cbl.be)

J.Diepeveen, R.Boogaart, P.Byloo, J.Brantjes, H.Kloots, Th.Janssen en J.Nuyts (2006). Enquêteonderzoek naar modale uitdrukkingen in Nederland en België: Methodologische overwegingen. TABU 34, 119-134.


G.De Schutter en J.Nuyts (2005). Stadsantwerps. Tielt: Lannoo. 178 pp.

J.Nuyts (2005). The modal confusion: On terminology and the concepts behind it. In: A.Klinge, H.H.Müller (red.), Modality: Studies in form and function, 5-38. London: Equinox.

J.Nuyts (2005). Brothers in arms? On the relations between cognitive and functional linguistics. In: F.Ruiz de Mendoza, S.Peña (red.), Cognitive Linguistics: Internal dynamics and interdisciplinary interaction, 69-100. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.

J.Nuyts (2005). Cognitive linguistics, functional linguistics, and TAM-marking. In: A.Baicchi, C.Broccias, A.Sans (red.), Modeling thought and constructing meaning, 43-54. Milan: FrancoAngeli.

J.van der Auwera, E.Schalley en J.Nuyts (2005). Epistemic possibility in a Slavonic parallel corpus: A pilot study. In: P.Karlik, B.Hansen (red.), Modalität in slavischen Sprachen: Neue Perspektiven, 201-217. München: Sagner.

J.Nuyts, P.Byloo en J.Diepeveen (2005). On deontic modality, directivity, and mood: A case study of Dutch mogen and moeten. Wilrijk: Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 110. 56 pp.


J.Nuyts (2004). Over de (beperkte) combineerbaarheid van deontische, epistemische en evidentiële uitdrukkingen in het Nederlands. Wilrijk: Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 108. 136 pp.

J.Nuyts (2004). The cognitive-pragmatic approach. Intercultural Pragmatics 1, 135-149.

J.Nuyts (2004). Remarks on layering in a cognitive-functional language production model. In: J.L.Mackenzie, M.A.Gómez Gonzáles (red.), A new architecture for functional grammar, 275-298. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.

J.Nuyts (2004). Componentiële modellen versus constructiemodellen? In: J.De Caluwe, G.De Schutter, M.Devos, J.Van Keymeulen (red.), Taeldeman, man van de taal, schatbewaarder van de taal: Liber amicorum Johan Taeldeman, 669-676. Gent: Academia Press.

G.Van Ostaeyen en J.Nuyts (2004). De diachronie van kunnen. Wilrijk: Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 109. 186 pp.


J.Nuyts (2003). Reflections on the intentionality of linguistic behavior. In: G.Preyer, G.Peter, M.Ulkan (red.), Concepts of meaning, 39-59. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

J.Nuyts (2003). Layering of qualifications in a cognitive perspective. In: C.Molina Ávila, M.L.Blanco Gómez, J.Marín Arrese, A.L.Rodríguez Redondo, M.Romano Mozo (red.), Cognitive Linguistics in Spain at the turn of the century, vol. 1: Grammar and semantics, 81-101. Madrid: UAM.


J.Nuyts (2002). Grounding and the system of epistemic expressions in Dutch: A cognitive-functional view. In: F.Brisard (red.), Grounding, 433-466. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.


J.Nuyts (2001). Epistemic modality, language, and conceptualization: A cognitive-pragmatic perspective. Amsterdam: J.Benjamins. xix + 428 pp.

J.Nuyts (2001). Subjectivity as an evidential dimension in epistemic modal expressions. Journal of Pragmatics 33, 383-400.


S.Gillis, J.Nuyts en J.Taeldeman (red., 2000), Met taal om de tuin geleid: Opstellen voor Georges De Schutter. Wilrijk: Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen. 496 pp.

J.Nuyts (2000). Tensions between discourse structure and conceptual semantics: The syntax of epistemic modal expressions. Studies in Language 24: 103-135.

J.Nuyts (2000). Intentionality. In: J.Verschueren, J.-O.Östman, J.Blommaert (eds.), Handbook of Pragmatics: Quintessence, 1-17. Amsterdam: J.Benjamins.

J.Nuyts (2000). Negatie en het epistemische gebruik van de modale hulpwerkwoorden in het Nederlands. In: S.Gillis, J.Nuyts, J.Taeldeman (red.), Met taal om de tuin geleid, 257-267. Wilrijk: UIA.

S.Gillis, J.Nuyts en J.Taeldeman (2000). Georges De Schutter, de meester-tuinman van het Nederlands. In: S.Gillis, J.Nuyts, J.Taeldeman (red.), Met taal om de tuin geleid, 5-10. Wilrijk: UIA.


J.Nuyts (1999). Processing epistemic modality: Some consequences for modeling language production. In: R.Klabunde, C.von Stutterheim (red.), Representations and processes in language production, 181-203. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag.

J.Nuyts en W.Vonk (1999). Epistemic modality and focus in Dutch. Linguistics 37, 699-737.

J.Nuyts (1999). Booknotice of R.Stalnaker, ‘Context and content: Essays on intentionality in speech and thought’. Pragmatics 9, 435-436.


J.Nuyts (1998). Layered models of qualifications of states of affairs: Cognition vs. typology? In: J.van der Auwera, F.Durieux, L.Lejeune (red.), English as a human language, 274-284. München: Lincom.

J.Nuyts (1998). Booknotice of M.Laakso, ‘Self-initiated repair by fluent aphasic speakers in conversation. Pragmatics 8, 105-106.

J.Nuyts (1998). Booknotice of L.Hoye, ‘Adverbs and modality in English’. Functions of Language 5, 279-280.


J.Nuyts en E.Pederson (red., 1997). Language and conceptualization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. viii + 281 pp. Paperback-editie uitgegeven in 1999.

J.Nuyts (1997). How do you think? In: C.Butler, J.Connolly, R.Gatward, R.Vismans (eds.), A fund of ideas, 3-18. Amsterdam: IFOTT.

J.Nuyts (1997). Intentionalität und Sprachfunktionen. In: G.Preyer, M.Ulkan, A.Ulfig (red.), Intention, Bedeutung, Kommunikation: Zu kognitiven und handlungstheoretischen Grundlagen der Sprachtheorie, 51-71. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.

J.Nuyts en A.De Roeck (1997). Autism and metarepresentation: The case of epistemic modality. European Journal of Disorders of Communication 32/2, 113-137.

E.Pederson en J.Nuyts (1997). On the relationship between language and conceptualization. In: J.Nuyts, E.Pederson (red.), Language and conceptualization, 1-12. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

J.Nuyts (1997). Booknotice of M.E.Landsberg (ed.), ‘Syntactic iconicity and linguistic freezes’. Pragmatics 7, 224-225.

J.Nuyts (1997). Booknotice of G.Fauconnier, E.Sweetser (eds.), ‘Spaces, worlds, and grammar’. Functions of Language 4, 309-310.


J.Nuyts en W.Vonk (1996). Discourse factors in the use of epistemic expressions in Dutch: An experimental investigation. Wilrijk: Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 88. 66 pp.

J.Nuyts (1996). Consciousness in language. Pragmatics and Cognition 4, 153-180.

J.Nuyts (1996). Das modalen Hilfsverbs kunnen und das System der epistemischen Modalität im Niederländischen: Überlegungen zur Synchronie und Diachronie. Leuvense Bijdragen 85, 33-54.

J.Nuyts (1996). Discourse and conceptualization in expressing epistemic modality. In: R.Meyer, C.von Stutterheim (red.), Semantic and conceptual knowledge in language production, 235-251. Heidelberg: Arbeiten aus dem SFB 245 Sprache und Situation.

J.Nuyts (1996). Review of J.Bybee, S.Fleischman (eds.), ‘Mood and modality’. Functions of Language 3, 255-258.


J.Nuyts (1995). Subjectspronomina en dubbele pronominale constructies in het Antwerps. Taal en Tongval 47, 43-58.

J.Nuyts (1995). Afterthoughts to E. de Bustos’s ‘On the very idea of cognitivism’. Pragmatics and Cognition 3, 279-282.

J.Nuyts (1995). Review of P.Kahrel, R.Van den Berg (eds.), ‘Typological studies in negation’. Functions of Language 2, 276-278.

J.Nuyts (1995). Booknotice of M.Moilanen et al. (eds.), ‘Zugänge zur Text- und Dialoganalyse’. Pragmatics 5, 285.

J.Nuyts (1995). Fundamenteel onderzoek aan banden? Natuur en Techniek, speciaal nummer: Vlaanderen Wetenschapsland, 30.

J.Nuyts (1995). Wetenschapsbeleid in Vlaanderen. Samenleving en Politiek 2/9, 3-10.


J.Nuyts (1994). Epistemic modal qualifications: On their linguistic and conceptual structure. Wilrijk: Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 81. 200 pp.

A.De Roeck en J.Nuyts (1994). Epistemic modal expressions by high functioning autistic adults: A test case for the ‘Theory of Mind’ hypothesis. Wilrijk: Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 82. 63 pp.

J.Nuyts (1994). The intentional and the socio-cultural in language use. Pragmatics and Cognition 2, 237-268.

J.Nuyts en P.Dendale (1994). Bibliographie sélective de l’évidentialité. Langue française 102, 121-125.

J.Nuyts (1994). Autonomous vs. non-autonomous syntax. In: J.Verschueren, J.-O.Östman, J.Blommaert (red.), Handbook of pragmatics, 80-85. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

J.Nuyts (1994). Mentalism. In: J.Verschueren, J.-O.Östman, J.Blommaert (red.), Handbook of pragmatics, 361-366. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

J.Nuyts (1994). Functionalism versus formalism. In: J.Verschueren, J.-O.Östman, J.Blommaert (red.), Handbook of pragmatics, 293-300. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

J.Nuyts (1994). Booknotice of K.Hyltenstam, Å.Viberg (eds.), ‘Progression and regression in language’. Pragmatics 4, 438.


J.Nuyts (1993). Intentions and language use. Wilrijk: Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 73. 57 pp.

J.Nuyts en E.Pederson (red., 1993). Belgian Journal of Linguistics 8: Perspectives on language and conceptualization. Brussels: Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles. 205 pp.

J.Nuyts (1993). On determining the functions of language. Semiotica 94, 201-232.

J.Nuyts (1993). Epistemic modal adverbs and adjectives and the layered representation of conceptual and linguistic structure. Linguistics 31, 933-969.

J.Nuyts (1993). Intentions and the functions of language in communication. Protosoziologie 4, 15-31.

J.Nuyts (1993). From language to conceptualization: The case of epistemic modality. Papers from the 29th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, vol.2: What we think, what we mean, and how we say it - Papers from the Parasession on the correspondence of conceptual, semantic and grammatical representation, 271-286.

J.Nuyts (1993). Cognitive linguistics. Journal of Pragmatics 20, 269-290.

J.Nuyts (1993). Communication and representation. Journal of Pragmatics 20, 591-597.

J.Nuyts en E.Pederson (1993). Introduction. In: J.Nuyts, E.Pederson (red.), Belgian Journal of Linguistics 8: Perspectives on language and conceptualization, 7-8. Brussels: Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles.

J.Nuyts (1993). Booknotice of Qian Guanlian, ‘Aesthetic linguistics’. Pragmatics 3, 457.

J.Nuyts (1993). Booknotice of G.Kasper, S.Blum-Kulka (eds.), ‘Interlanguage pragmatics’. Pragmatics 3, 457-458.


J.Nuyts (1992). Aspects of a cognitive-pragmatic theory of language: On cognition, functionalism, and grammar. Amsterdam: J.Benjamins. xii + 398 pp.

J.Nuyts (1992). Subjective vs. objective modality: What is the difference? In: M.Fortescue, P.Harder, L.Kristoffersen (red.), Layered structure and reference in a functional perspective, 73-98. Amsterdam: J.Benjamins.

J.Nuyts (1992). Booknotice of M.I.M.Matthiessen, J.A.Bateman, ‘Text generation and systemic-functional linguistics’. Pragmatics 2, 171.

J.Nuyts (1992). Booknotice of F.H.van Eemeren et al. (eds.), ‘Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on argumentation’. Pragmatics 2, 171-172.

J.Nuyts (1992). Naar een Vlaams Fonds voor Fundamenteel Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek. Focus Research: Journal of the Belgian Association for the Advancement of Science 13, 10.


J.Nuyts (1991). De rol van intenties in een theorie van taalgedrag. TTT: Interdisciplinair Tijdschrift voor Taal- en Tekstwetenschap 10/2, 75-92.

J.Nuyts (1991). Booknotice of Shin Ja Joo Hwang, ‘Discourse features of Korean narration’. Pragmatics 1, 127.

J.Nuyts (1991). Booknotice of V.Hinnenkamp, M.Selting (eds.), ‘Stil und Stilisierung’. Pragmatics 1, 127.

J.Nuyts (1991). Booknotice of W.Franke, ‘Elementare Dialogstrukturen’. Pragmatics 1, 127-128.

J.Nuyts (1991). Booknotice of O.Garcia, R.Otheguy (eds.), English across cultures, cultures across English’. Pragmatics 1, 128.

J.Nuyts (1991). Booknotice of W.Heydrich et al. (eds.), ‘Connexity and coherence’. Pragmatics 1, 397.

J.Nuyts (1991). Booknotice of W.T.Scott, ‘The possibility of communication’. Pragmatics 1, 397-398.


J.Nuyts, A.M.Bolkestein en C.Vet (red., 1990). Layers and levels of representation in language theory: A functional view. Amsterdam: J.Benjamins. xii + 348 pp.

J.Nuyts (1990). Negative raising reconsidered: Arguments for a cognitive-pragmatic approach. Journal of Pragmatics 14, 559-588.

J.Nuyts (1990). Emotions and the functionality of language. Grazer Linguistische Studien 33/34, 227-240.

J.Nuyts (1990). Linguistic representation and conceptual knowledge representation. In: J.Nuyts, A.M.Bolkestein, C.Vet (red.), Layers and levels of representation in language theory: A functional view, 263-293. Amsterdam: J.Benjamins.

A.M.Bolkestein, C.Vet en J.Nuyts (1990). Preface. In: J.Nuyts, A.M.Bolkestein, C.Vet (red.), Layers and levels of representation in language theory: A functional view, ix-xii. Amsterdam: J.Benjamins.

J.Nuyts (1990). Review of H.C.Longuet-Higgins, ‘Mental processes’. Journal of Pragmatics 14, 159-162.

L.Herman en J.Nuyts (1990). Interview met P.Zeeuwts, Staatssecretaris voor wetenschapsbeleid. Focus Research: Journal of the Belgian Association for the Advancement of Science 6, 4-5.


J.Nuyts (1989). On knowing and using language: Chomsky revisited. Wilrijk: Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 62. 134 pp.

J.Nuyts (1989). Functional procedural grammar: An overview. Amsterdam: Working Papers in Functional Grammar 31. 45 pp.

J.Nuyts (1989). On the functionality of language. Papers in Pragmatics 3/1, 88-129.

J.Nuyts (1989). Het Antwerpse vokaalsysteem: Een synchronische en diachronische schets. Taal en Tongval 41/1-2, 22-48.

J.Nuyts (1989). Afasie: Waar geest en lichaam mekaar raken. Focus Research: Journal of the Belgian Association for the Advancement of Science 1, 6.


J.Nuyts (1988). On the nature of conceptual knowledge representation. Duisburg: LAUD-paper A-236. 29 pp.


J.Nuyts (1987). Negatives are not fond of traveling: A cognitive-pragmatic reconsideration of negative-raising. Amsterdam: Working Papers in Functional Grammar 21. 55 pp.

J.Nuyts en G.De Schutter (red., 1987). Getting one’s words into line: On word order and functional grammar. Dordrecht: Foris. 219 pp.

J.Nuyts en J.Verschueren (1987). A comprehensive bibliography of pragmatics. Amsterdam: J.Benjamins. 4 delen, 2197 pp.

J.Nuyts (1987). Pragmatics and cognition: On explaining language. In: J.Verschueren, M.Bertuccelli-Papi (red.), The pragmatic perspective, 715-732. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins.

J.Nuyts (1987). A cognitive-pragmatic reconsideration of negative-raising. In: J.Van der Auwera, L.Goossens (red.), Ins and outs of the predication, 107-121. Dordrecht: Foris.

J.Nuyts en G.De Schutter (1987). Preface. In: J.Nuyts, G.De Schutter (red.), Getting one’s words into line, v-xii. Dordrecht: Foris.


J.Nuyts (1986). What formalists seem not to understand about functionalism: A rejoinder to P.Miller. Belgian Journal of Linguistics 1, 223-237.

J.Nuyts (1986). Review of V.Zammuner, ‘Speech production’, and R.Wiese, ‘Psycholinguistische Aspekte der Sprachproduktion’. Journal of Pragmatics 10/1, 139-149.


J.Nuyts (1985). Funkties, funktionalisme en psychologische realiteit: Methodologische beschouwingen bij een funktionalistische taaltheorie. Wilrijk: Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 41. 214 pp.

J.Nuyts (red., 1985). Antwerp studies in functional grammar. Wilrijk: Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 39. 204 pp.

J.Nuyts (1985). Some considerations concerning the notion of ‘psychological reality’ in functional grammar. In: A.M.Bolkestein, C.De Groot, J.L.Mackenzie (red.), Syntax and pragmatics in functional grammar, 91-105. Dordrecht: Foris.

J.Nuyts (1985). Some general reflections. In: J.Nuyts (red.), Antwerp studies in functional grammar, 3-11. Wilrijk: Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 39.

J.Nuyts (1985). On formalism, functionalism and mentalism: Towards a functional procedural grammar. In: J.Nuyts (red.), Antwerp studies in functional grammar, 113-168. Wilrijk: Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 39.


J.Nuyts (1984). Sprachfunktionen: Ein Versuch zur Definition und Inventarisierung. Trier: LAUT-Paper A-128. 53 pp.

J.Nuyts (1984). Boekbespreking van H.Parret, ‘Filosofie en taalwetenschap’. Communication and Cognition 17, 128-130.


J.Nuyts (1983). Onderzoek naar foneemverwisselingen bij afasiepatiënten: Bedenkingen en lichtpunten. Tijdschrift voor Logopedie en Audiologie 13/1, 17-30.

J.Nuyts (1983). Funktionele grammatika: Een notationele variant? De Nieuwe Taalgids 76/1, 19-26.

J.Nuyts (1983). A system for phonological language description. Communication and Cognition 16/4, 413-438.

J.Nuyts (1983). On the methodology of a functional language theory. In: S.C.Dik (red.), Advances in functional grammar, 369-386. Dordrecht: Foris.

G.De Schutter en J.Nuyts (1983). Towards an integrated model of a functional grammar. In: S.C.Dik (red.), Advances in functional grammar, 387-404. Dordrecht: Foris.


J.Nuyts (1982). Een psycholinguïstische benadering van de fonologische aspekten van afasie. Wilrijk: Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 26. vi + 116 pp.

J.Nuyts (1982). Een herhalingstest voor het onderzoek van foneemverwisselingen in afasie. Logopedie en Foniatrie 54/3, 104-121.

J.Nuyts (1982). Een techniek voor de analyse van literale parafasieën in afasie. Tijdschrift voor Logopedie en Audiologie 12/2, 108-128.

J.Nuyts (1982). Afasie en linguïstiek: Een status quo. De Psycholoog 17/7, 377-383.

R.Geysen en J.Nuyts (1982). Objektiviteit en interpretatie. Restant 10/2, 167-190.



Lezingen [top]



J. Nuyts en E. Mélac. A corpus study of egophoric markers in spoken Lhasa Tibetan. Annual Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Helsinki, 08/2024.


J. Nuyts. 'Memory' as an evidential category. Annual Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Athene, 08/2023.


J. Nuyts. Explaining the re-autonomization process in the Dutch modals. Annual Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Bucharest, 08/2022.


J. Nuyts. (Inter)subjectivity. International Conference on Verb and Context, Alicante, 04/2021. Uitgenodigde plenaire spreker.

J. Nuyts. On the relations between modality and evidentiality. Colloquium on 'L'évidentialité et la modalité: Au croisement de la grammaire et du lexique', Montpellier, 06/2021. Uitgenodigde plenaire spreker.

J. Nuyts. On the link between grammaticalization and subjectification: The case of the Dutch modals. International workshop on 'Evidentiality and grammaticalization', Montpellier, 12/2021. Uitgenodigde plenaire spreker.


J. Nuyts. What is evidentiality? University of Isfahan (Iran), 04/2019. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J. Nuyts. What is evidentiality? Tarbiyat Modares University, Tehran (Iran), 04/2019. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J. Nuyts. Things to keep in mind when investigating the diachrony of modal expressions. International round table on 'Modality: From theory to encoding', Lausanne, 05/2019. Uitgenodigde plenaire spreker.

J. Nuyts en W. Caers. (Inter)subjectification, fast and slow. 24rd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Canberra, 07/2019.

W. Caers en J. Nuyts. Directionals and (de)grammaticalization in the Dutch modals. 24rd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Canberra, 07/2019.

W. Caers en J. Nuyts. How systematic is the system of the Dutch modals? Annual Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Leipzig, 08/2019.


J. Nuyts. The future and modality. Workshop on 'The future', Köln, 01/2018. Uitgenodigde plenaire spreker.

J. Nuyts en W. Caers. (Inter)subjectification, fast and slow. Annual Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Tallinn, 08/2018.

W. Caers, S. Gregersen, O. Fischer en J. Nuyts. Directionals and (de)grammaticalization in the Dutch modals. Annual Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Tallinn, 08/2018.


J.Nuyts en H.-J. Goelen. Re-autonomization in the system of the Dutch modals – further perspectives. 23rd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, San Antonio (Texas, USA), 09/2017.


J.Nuyts en K. Janssens. Parenthetical mental state verbs: Where do they come from? Workshop on 'Cognition verbs: Talking about thinking and thinking about talking', Paris, 04/2016. Uitgenodigde plenaire spreker.

H.-J. Goelen en J.Nuyts. Re-autonomization in the system of the Dutch modals: A diachronic investigation. Annual Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Napels, 08/2016.


J.Nuyts. Evidentiality reconsidered. Workshop on 'Tense, aspect, modality and evidentiality – Construction and deconstruction', Paris, 04/2015. Uitgenodigde plenaire spreker.

J.Nuyts. Interagerende factoren in de betekenisevolutie van de Nederlandse modale hulpwerkwoorden. Algemene Vergadering van de Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde, Gent, 04/2015.

J.Nuyts. (De)grammaticalization and iconicity. 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Napels, 07/2015.

J.Nuyts. Deconstructing evidentiality. Heinrich-Heine Universität, Düsseldorf, 12/2015. Uitgenodigde spreker.


J.Nuyts. (Inter)subjectivity vs. modality. Workshop on 'Stance and intersubjectivity', Parijs, 03/2014. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Nuyts. Deconstructing evidentiality. International Conference on Evidentiality and Modality in European Languages, Madrid, 10/2014. Uitgenodigde plenaire spreker.

K.Janssens en J.Nuyts. Epistemische modaliteit, evidentialiteit en subjectiviteit: Onafhankelijke categorieën in de betekenis van mentale toestandswerkwoorden. Jaarlijkse conferentie van de Belgische Kring voor Linguïstiek, Gent, 05/2014.

K.Janssens en J.Nuyts. Epistemic modality, evidentiality and subjectivity: Independent categories in the Dutch mental state predicates. International Conference on Evidentiality and Modality in European Languages, Madrid, 10/2014.


J.Nuyts. Modalen zonder hoofdwerkwoord in de zin: Een diachroon en functioneel perspectief. 7de Dag van de Nederlandse zinsbouw, Groningen, 11/2013. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Nuyts en K.Janssens. Parentheticals revisited. 21th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Oslo, 08/2013.

K.Janssens en J.Nuyts. Subjectivity in the Dutch mental state predicates. 21th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Oslo, 08/2013.

J.Nuyts en K.Janssens. Parentheticals revisited. Annual Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Split, 09/2013.

K.Janssens en J.Nuyts. Subjectivity in the Dutch mental state predicates. Annual Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Split, 09/2013.


J.Nuyts. Grammaticalisatie en degrammaticalisatie in het modale systeem in het Nederlands. Workshop over 'Grammaticalisatie en degrammaticalisatie in het Nederlands', Louvain-la-Neuve, 05/2012. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Nuyts. Discursive, semantic and other notions of subjectivity. International conference on 'Modality, corpus, discourse', Lund, 06/2012. Uitgenodigde plenaire spreker.

J.Nuyts. Notions of subjectivity. International conference on 'The communication of certainty and uncertainty: linguistic, psychological, philosophical aspects', Macerata (Italië), 10/2012. Uitgenodigde plenaire spreker.

P.Byloo en J.Nuyts. Mogen en kunnen: Rivalen op subjectificatie-pad. Workshop over 'Grammaticalisatie en degrammaticalisatie in het Nederlands', Louvain-la-Neuve, 05/2012.

K.Janssens en J.Nuyts. The diachrony of the Dutch archaic idiom me dunkt 'me thinks'. International conference on 'Modality, corpus, discourse', Lund, 06/2012.

K.Janssens en J.Nuyts. The diachrony of the Dutch idiom me dunkt 'me thinks'. International conference on 'The communication of certainty and uncertainty: linguistic, psychological, philosophical aspects', Macerata (Italy), 10/2012.


J.Nuyts. The Dutch modals and (de)grammaticalization. University of Lancaster, Lancaster (UK), 03/2011. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Nuyts. Notions of (inter)subjectivity. 11th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Xi'an, 07/2011.

J.Nuyts. Notions of (inter)subjectivity. University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, 07/2011. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Nuyts. Re-autonomizing modals in Dutch. 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Osaka, 07/2011.

P.Byloo en J.Nuyts. Competing modal auxiliaries in Dutch. 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Osaka, 07/2011.

J.Nuyts. Notions of (inter)subjectivity. Jaarlijkse conferentie van de Societas Linguistica Europaea, Logroño (Spanje), 09/2011.

K.Janssens en J.Nuyts. A diachronic investigation of the mental state predicate denken 'think' in Dutch. Jaarlijkse conferentie van de Societas Linguistica Europaea, Logroño (Spanje), 09/011.

P.Byloo en J.Nuyts. Meaning developments in the Dutch modals: (Inter)subjectification and beyond. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, 12/2011. Uitgenodigde sprekers.


P.Byloo en J.Nuyts. (Inter)subjectification in the diachrony of the Dutch modal auxiliaries moeten and mogen. International conference on grammaticalization and (inter)subjectification, Brussel, 11/2010.

J.Nuyts. Degrammaticalisatie in de Nederlandse modale hulpwerkwoorden. Hommagecolloquium Georges De Schutter bij zijn 70e verjaardag, Gent, 12/2010. Uitgenodigde spreker.


J.Nuyts. The Dutch modals and (de)grammaticalization. Conference on ‘Current trends in grammaticalization research’, Groningen, 09/2009.


J.Nuyts, P. Byloo en J.Diepeveen. On deontic modality, directivity, and mood: The case of Dutch mogen and moeten. Workshop on Modality, LACITO, Paris, 04/2008. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Nuyts. Language, conceptualization and TAM marking: A cognitive-functional perspective. Summer Institute on ‘Culture, Communication, Cognition’, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai (China), 06/2008. Uitgenodigde ' course lecturer'.

J.Nuyts. On the relationship between cognitive and functional linguistics: The case of TAM-marking. Tsinghua University, Beijing, 06/2008. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Nuyts. Tense-Aspect-Modality in language and conceptualization: A cognitive-functional perspective. Peking University, Beijing, 06/2008. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Nuyts. On the relationship between cognitive and functional linguistics: The case of TAM-marking. University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, 06/2008. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Nuyts. On the relationship between cognitive and functional linguistics: The case of TAM-marking. Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 06/2008. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Nuyts. Tense-Aspect-Modality in language and conceptualization: A cognitive-functional perspective. Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, 06/2008. Uitgenodigde spreker.


J.Nuyts, P.Byloo en J.Diepeveen. On deontic modality, directivity, and mood: The case of Dutch mogen and moeten. 2007 Semantics Colloquium, Nijmegen, 05/2007. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Nuyts. Constructions and processes. Position presentation als ‘discussiant’ van de workshop on ‘The lexico-constructional model’, Jaarlijkse conferentie van de Societas Linguistica Europaea, Joensuu (Finland), 08/2007. Uitgenodigde spreker/discussiant.

J.Nuyts. Uitgenodigde ‘discussiant’ op het jaarlijkse ‘Doktoranden- und Habilitandenkolloquium’ (voor Neerlandici in Duitsland), Keulen, 11/2007.

J.Nuyts. Constructionist versus processual models: What’s the difference (about)? 10th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Krakow, 07/2007.


J.Nuyts. Issues in the cognitive representation of modality. University of Cordoba, English Department, Cordoba, 04/2006. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Nuyts. Conceptual versus communicative meanings. Internationale workshop over ‘Instruction, process, result’, Copenhagen, 10/2006. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Diepeveen, P.Byloo, R.Boogaart, J.Brantjes, T.Janssen, en J.Nuyts. Verschillen in het gebruik van modale uitdrukkingen tussen Noord en Zuid: De enquête als onderzoeksinstrument. Jaarlijkse conferentie van de Belgische Kring voor Linguïstiek, Leuven, 05/2006.


J.Nuyts. The 'one commitment per clause' principle. Workshop on the work of Wallace Chafe, Leuven/Middelburg, 12/2005. Uitgenodigde spreker.

P.Byloo en J.Nuyts. Moeten with and without negation. Jaarlijkse conferentie van de Belgische Kring voor Linguïstiek, Brussel, 05/2005.

J.van der Auwera, J.Nuyts en E.Schalley. Epistemic possibility in a Slavonic parallel corpus. Workshop on Parallel Texts in Typology, Leipzig, 04/2005. Uitgenodigde sprekers.

J.van der Auwera, E.Schalley en J.Nuyts. Sur les auxiliaires et les adverbes de possibilité épistémique en slave. LACITO (Langues et Cultures de Tradition Orale) Research Group, Paris, 04/2005. Uitgenodigde sprekers.

J.van der Auwera, J.Nuyts en E.Schalley. Epistemic possibility in a Slavonic parallel corpus. Academy of Sciences, Lithuanian Language Institute, Vilnius, 05/2005.

J.van der Auwera, J.Nuyts en E.Schalley. Epistemic possibility in a Slavonic parallel corpus. University of Vilnius, English Department, Vilnius, 05/2005.

T.Mortelmans, J.Nuyts en J.van der Auwera. On the grammaticalization of modal verbs in Germanic. Jaarvergadering van de Societas Linguistica Eurpaea, Valencia, 09/2005. Uitgenodigde sprekers.


J. Nuyts. On the combinability of deontic, epistemic and evidential expressions. Workshop Modalität kontrastiv, Antwerpen, 09/2004. Uitgenodigde spreker.

P.Byloo, R.Kastein en J.Nuyts. Certainly and zeker: A comparative study. Jaarvergadering van de Belgische Kring voor Linguïstiek, Brussel, 05/2004.

J.van der Auwera, J.Nuyts en T.Mortelmans. English modal verbs: A function-based and cross-linguistic approach. 2nd International Conference on English Modality, Pau (France), 09/2004. Uitgenodigde plenaire sprekers.


J.Nuyts. On cognitive functionalism, qualificational categories, and linguistic and conceptual structure. Lezingencyclus Linguistische Sozietät zu Freiburg, Freiburg (Duitsland), 05/2003. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Nuyts. Cognitive linguistics and functional linguistics, or: What's in a name? 8th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Logroño (Spanje), 07/2003. Uitgenodigde plenaire keynote spreker.

J.Nuyts. The cognitive structure of tense-aspect-modality marking. International Conference on Cognitive Linguistics, Pavia (Italië), 11/2003. Uitgenodigde plenaire spreker.

J.Nuyts. On the combinability of deontic, epistemic and evidential expressions. 14th Amsterdam Colloquium, Workshop on Mood and Modality, Amsterdam, 12/2003. Uitgenodigde plenaire spreker.

G.Van Ostaeyen en J.Nuyts. De diachronie van kunnen. Jaarvergadering van de Belgische Kring voor Linguïstiek, Brussel, 05/2003.


J.Nuyts. Qualificational notions in grammar and cognition. International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar, Logroño (Spanje), 07/2002. Uitgenodigde plenaire spreker.

J.Nuyts. Grammar and cognition. International Summer Course on Role and Reference Grammar, Logroño (Spanje), 07/2002. Uitgenodigde 'course lecturer'.

J.Nuyts. The system of epistemic modality in Dutch. International Workshop on Modality, Copenhagen, 08/2002. Uitgenodigde spreker.


J.Nuyts. Linguistic paradigms and the nature of conceptual representation. 7th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Santa Barbara (CA), 07/2001.


J.Nuyts. Layering of qualifications in a cognitive perspective. 2nd International Conference of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association, Madrid, 05/2000. Uitgenodigde plenaire spreker.

J.Nuyts. Semantic paradigms and the nature and organization of the conceptual systems underlying language use. Workshop over ‘Conceptualization and grammaticalization in language production’ op de Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Marburg, 3/2000. Uitgenodigde spreker.


J.Nuyts. Subjectivity in epistemic evaluations. Pragma99: International Pragmatics Conference, Tel Aviv, 06/1999.

J.Nuyts. Restrictions on the co-occurrence of evidential, epistemic and deontic qualifications, and how to explain them. 6th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Stockholm, 07/1999.


J.Nuyts. Levels of layering: A cognitive perspective. 8th International Conference on Functional Grammar, Amsterdam, 07/1998. Uitgenodigde plenaire spreker.

J.Nuyts. Subjectivity as an evidential dimension in epistemic modal expressions. Panel over ‘Evidentiality’, 6th International Pragmatics Conference, Reims, 07/1998. Uitgenodigde spreker.


A.De Roeck en J.Nuyts. Taal als een (troebel) venster op het autistische denken. Studium Generale, Universiteit Maastricht, 01/1997. Uitgenodigde plenaire spreker.

J.Nuyts. Layered models of qualifications of states of affairs: Cognition vs. typology? 5th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Amsterdam, 07/1997.

J.Nuyts en W.Vonk. An experimental investigation of the discourse structure of epistemic expression forms in Dutch. 5th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Amsterdam, 07/1997. Poster.


J.Nuyts. Lid internationaal discussiepanel over ‘Fundamenteel vs. toegepast onderzoek’. Colloquium ‘Wetenschap als Cultuur’, n.a.v. het 10-jarig bestaan van de Vlaamse Raad voor Wetenschapsbeleid (VRWB), 10/96. Uitgenodigd panellid.

J.Nuyts. Epistemisch modale Ausdrucksformen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Konzeptualisierung und Diskursstruktur. Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Allgemeine und Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft, 03/1996. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Nuyts. Die Syntax epistemischer Ausdrucksformen im Niederländischen: eine funktionale Analyse. Universität Leipzig, Germanistisches Seminar, 12/1996. Uitgenodigde spreker.

A.De Roeck en J.Nuyts. The development of metarepresentational capacities in autism: Deviance or delay? 5th International Congres Autism-Europe, Barcelona, 05/1996.


J.Nuyts. The grammar of epistemic modality: The case of Dutch. International Conference on Functional Approaches to Grammar, Albuquerque (NM), 07/1995. Uitgenodigde plenaire spreker.

J.Nuyts. Spannungen zwischen Diskursstruktur und konzeptueller Struktur in der Sprachproduktion: Zur Syntax epistemischer Ausdrucksformen. Symposium over ‘Konzeptuelles und semantisches Wissen in der Sprachproduktion’, Heidelberg, 11/1995. Uitgenodigde spreker.


J.Nuyts. Eine synchrone und diachrone Analyse der Semantik - insbesondere der epistemischen Bedeutung - des modalen Hilfsverbs kunnen im Niederländischen. Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germanistik, 04/1994. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Nuyts. The meanings and uses of the mental state predicate think. 6th International Conference on Functional Grammar, York, 08/1994.

A.De Roeck en J.Nuyts. Epistemic modal expressions by high functioning autistic adults: A test case for the ‘theory of mind’ hypothesis. The National Autistic Society conference on ‘Autism on the Agenda’, Leeds, 04/1994. Poster.

J.Nuyts. Over taal en denken: Beschouwingen over de menselijke cognitie. Universiteit Antwerpen, Openbare Lezing voor de Academische Gemeenschap, 12/1994.


J.Nuyts. The semantics of epistemic modality. Forschungsschwerpunkt Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin, 11/1993. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Nuyts. From language to conceptualization: The case of epistemic modality. 29th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, 04/1993.

J.Nuyts. Ways of expressing epistemic modality. International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Leuven, 07/1993.

J.Nuyts en A.De Roeck. The ‘theory of mind’ hypothesis of autism and the use of epistemic modal expressions by autistic and normal adults. International Pragmatics Conference, Kobe, 07/1993.


A.De Roeck en J.Nuyts. The use of epistemic modal expressions by autistic and normal adults: Can deficits tell us something about the relationship between linguistic and conceptual representation? Conference on the Relationship between Linguistic and Conceptual Representation, Antwerpen, 11/1992. Poster.


J.Nuyts. Intentions and language use - part 2. Workshop over ‘Intentionality and Cognitive Science’, Klagenfurt, 11/1991. Uitgenodigde deelnemer.

J.Nuyts. Modality and layering in conceptualization. International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Santa Cruz, CA, 07/1991.


J.Nuyts. Intentions and language use. Workshop over ‘Intentionality and Cognitive Science’, Klagenfurt, 11/1990. Uitgenodigde deelnemer.

J.Nuyts. Subjective vs. objective modality: What is the difference? 4th International Conference on Functional Grammar, Copenhagen, 06/1990. Plenaire spreker.

J.Nuyts. Zijn intenties een universele determinant van taalgedrag? Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculteit Letteren, 04/1990. Uitgenodigde spreker.

J.Nuyts. Intentions and the individual and social aspects of language behavior. International Pragmatics Conference, Barcelona, 07/1990.


J.Nuyts. On the nature of knowledge representation. 3rd International Conference on Functional Grammar, Amsterdam, 06/1988. Plenaire spreker.


J.Nuyts. A cognitive-pragmatic approach to neg-raising. 2nd International Conference on Functional Grammar, Antwerpen, 09/1986.

J.Nuyts en J.Verschueren. Het indexsysteem voor de IPRA-pragmatiek bibliografie. ‘Goropius Becanus Genootschap’, Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen, Departement Germaanse, 04/1986.


J.Nuyts. Pragmatics and cognition: On explaining language. International Pragmatics Conference, Viareggio/Italië, 09/1985.


J.Nuyts. Some considerations concerning psychological reality in functional grammar. 1st International Colloquium on Functional Grammar, Amsterdam, 06/1984.


J.Nuyts. Perspectieven op een procedurele functionele grammatica. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Instituut voor Algemene Taalwetenschap, 03/1983.


J.Nuyts. Methodologische Aspekte einer funktionalistischen Sprachbetrachtung. Universität Salzburg, Institut für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, 03/1982.